N********* b**** y****'s avatar'
N********* b**** y****1 tahun yang lepasConflict with Colleague

Department ada dua orang termasuk saya dan colleugue tak membantu dalam kerja.

I recently join the company yang saya pernah bekerja sebagai freelance selama setahun 4 bulan sebelum ni disebabkan ex-colleugue inform company nak hire orang bcs she leaving so i try and dapat. i have working for 1 month tapi i experienced extreme levels of stress disebabkan department kami ni ada dua orang je termasuk saya dan my colleague ni selalu datang lambat dan tengok movie while working. Kerja banyak ditinggalkan kalau saya al atau mc. I know that he being doing this dari i kerja as a freelance tapi bila tinggal berdua saya sangat stress disebabkan tak membantu dalam kerja. Other colleague has try to report to hr and bosses but nothing happen no warning letter what so ever bcs he a senior. He also keep asking me everyday if i get any other offer from any company which i don't understand why. He also was the once who keep asking me to come back working at this company. So i was wondering if i just should resign and find other job? I try to ignore this issue since i need money but i keep thinking to resign every morning.
Suriani Azizah's avatar'
Suriani Azizah1 tahun yang lepas
It sounds like you are experiencing a difficult situation at work with your colleague not being helpful and causing stress in the department. It is concerning that others have reported the issue to HR and bosses but nothing has been done. As an HR expert, my recommendation would be to document any instances where your colleague is not fulfilling their job duties or causing stress in the workplace. You can then bring this documentation to HR and your supervisor to address the issue. It is also a good idea to have a conversation with your colleague about their behavior and how it is affecting your work. If the situation does not improve, then it may be necessary for you to consider resigning and finding a new job where you can work in a supportive and productive environment. Remember to prioritize your mental health and well-being in your decision-making process.