N** S******* B**** M*** A***'s avatar'
N** S******* B**** M*** A***11 bulan yang lepasOther Workplace Issue

Job description not specific in offer letter

Job description not specific in offer letter

I keja kat satu compani china ni, kat offer letter takde tulis specific kerja untuk jawatan I (production statistion), I kena buat kerja 3,4 orang include on-site punya kerja which is kira consumptions packaging materials. Tugas I more kepada office admin berkaitan data production, jadi on-site tu memang wajib I buat ke? Data from 3 orang finance pun I sorang buat masukkan ke system. How come dorang pun tak pro dalam all 3 tu instead I yang kena buat. Please help resolve my conflict, planned nak cari kerja lain tapi belum ada rezeki :(

Nurul Fatimah's avatar'
Nurul Fatimah11 bulan yang lepas
It seems like there may be a lack of clarity in your job responsibilities. I recommend discussing this issue with your supervisor or HR department to clarify your specific job duties as outlined in the offer letter. Express your concerns about the additional tasks you are being asked to do and inquire about any discrepancy between the offer letter and your current duties. It's important to have clear communication regarding your role and responsibilities in order to address any conflicts or misunderstandings. Good luck in finding a resolution to this issue.