n**** a**'s avatar'
n**** a**7 bulan yang lepasTermination Rules

Termination of Contract

Saya nak tanya. if kontrak kerja saya 2 tahun. and dalam contract ada state:

Termination of Contract

By expired of the contract period or either party is required to serve 6 months’ notice in writing or 6 months’ salary in lieu of such notice is required before the expired of the contract period

so based on term dalam contract saya ni, if saya nak resign lagi awak before tamat kontrak, saya kena bagi 6 bulan notis?

n**** a**'s avatar'
n**** a**7 bulan yang lepas
lets say contract saya 1july 2023 sampai 1july 2025. then saya nak resign on this 31 aug 2024 and saya dah bagi notis bulan 2 atasalasan sambung belajar. tapi pihak majikan tibatiba minta surat tawaran sambung belajar sebagai bukti. if takda, saya tak boleh berhenti. and if saya nak bwrhenti juga, kena bayar penalti 6 bulan gaji. sebab katanya 6 bulan notis cuma boleh afterkerja 2 tahun kontrak. betulke macam tu. so sekarang kena bayar penalti pada company?
Syed Arif's avatar'
Syed Arif7 bulan yang lepas
Yes, based on the terms in your contract, if you want to resign before the end of your contract period, you are required to give a 6 months' notice in writing or pay 6 months' salary in lieu of notice.