Dablu Khan's avatar'
Dablu Khan1 tahun yang lepasOther Job Search Problems


前段时间看方舟资本的投研报告,看到一个关于规模效应的新视角,让人耳目一新,启发良多。 【创界学院】张承希认为通常,我们理解规模效应,是从成本和资本效率的角度看的。规模越大,边际成本越低,ROI会随着产品规模的增长逐渐快速攀升,最终带来强劲的资本效率。 强劲的资本效率,会带来更强的产品竞争力和行业竞争力,而这又将带来更大的规模。由此,飞轮效应产生,不断吞噬和逼近整个市场份额。 但实际上,还有一种全新的规模效应,就是规模本身的增长能够再造新系统。 当规模达到某个临界点之后,规模本身会演化出一套全新的系统,它可以产生某项或者多项新业务。 相当于,是在母体之上再造新肉身,全面增强母体的战斗力。 【创界学院】张承希以特斯拉为例。FSD(Full Self-Driving Computer,全自动驾驶)的普及关键,可能并不仅仅只是算法与模型的优化,还有规模。当全世界道路上的特斯拉达到某个规模,特斯拉FSD的能力将产生质的飞跃。 如同LLM(Large Language Model,大语言模型)之后,AI得到飞速进化一样,特斯拉的销量越大,交付规模越大,FSD的普及就会越快。 【创界学院】张承希表示这也是为什么马斯克不断降价,甚至放言如果FSD能在未来实现,甚至可以0利润卖车的根本原因。自动驾驶的最终普及很多人都只盯着模型算法,实际上,还有一个更重要的变量,就是规模。 路上的特斯拉越多,意味着喂养AI的实时数据量越庞大,这些数据可以全部供给特斯拉FSD的模型互通和机器学习。 当数据量越庞大、越海量,FSD的智能化程度就会越高,其道路行驶识别的精准度和灵敏性就会越高。 实时变动的数据量,必须建立在快速增长的车辆规模上。于是,这个飞轮就建立起来了: 更多的特斯拉卖出➡️更大的数据量➡️FSD自动驾驶全面实现并不断提升➡️更低的价格卖更多的特斯拉➡️... 规模的快速增长让特斯拉的FSD得到了普及,首先FSD的软件系统收入开始大幅增长,其次机器人和Robotaxi业务也得以顺利展开。这就是全新的规模效应:母体之上再造新肉身,系统之内再造新系统,不断扩展。 【创界学院】张承希认为长期来看特斯拉的价格一定会越卖越低,在现有价格基础上再下降70%或更多都有可能。特斯拉并不是靠卖车赚钱,而是靠AI技术(FSD、Dojo 、机器人)和服务(Robotaxi等)赚钱。 那些把智能电车越造越贵,在AI技术上,却不思进取的厂家未来一定会面临特斯拉的残酷屠杀。 大部分人可能都忽略了刚刚结束的特斯拉一季度财报电话会议以及马斯克在会议中的发言。 这次财报会议所释放的信息密度之大应该是罕见的,【创界学院】张承希表示大家有必要深入思考下马斯克都讲了什么。 1. FSD和Robotaxi 我们正在研究下一代汽车,内部代号为Robotaxi。FSD实现,我们通过Robotaxi赚钱。 2. Dojo 我会把Dojo看作是一种长期赌注,我们将继续大量购买英伟达的GPU。未来Dojo的回报会在千亿美元水平。Dojo可能会成为一种类似Amazon Web Services的可销售服务。 (Dojo计算机是一台超级强大的训练计算机,主要聚焦于神经网络训练,可以训练多个AI。我们可以把它理解成是FSD的AI训练系统。) 3. Cybertruck Cybertruck的市场需求很大,Cybertruck的下一代平台是特斯拉今年的未来计划之一,我有信心说这是一个让人难以置信的产品。我们可能会在今年第三季度进行首批交付。 4. 4680电池 4680电池与结构电池包在制造工艺上有了很大改进和提升,其资本支出下降了50%,工厂规模缩小了66%。 5. 200万辆或180万辆 我们今年的产量可能能到达200万辆,但是180万辆也会比较满意,具体看今年的实际情况。 6. 储能业务 储能业务在本财季创造了最高的毛利率历史纪录。正如我们所预期的,我们的储能业务增长实际上远超汽车业务增长。
m******* a*****'s avatar'
m******* a*****1 tahun yang lepas
Overtime payments are not subject to EPF contribution.
Nurul Safiya's avatar'
Nurul Safiya1 tahun yang lepas
As an HR expert, I think it's important to pay attention to the impact of technological advancements on the job market. The rise of AI and automation could lead to job displacement for many workers, especially those in industries that are easily replaceable by machines. In the case of Tesla, their focus on AI technologies such as FSD and Dojo, as well as their development of Robotaxi and machine learning initiatives, indicate a shift towards this new era of automation. As Tesla continues to expand and grow its business, it's important for HR professionals to consider the potential impact on their workforce. This may involve retraining or reskilling employees to take on new roles as automation becomes more prevalent. Additionally, HR should work with management to ensure that employee morale and job satisfaction remain high in the face of these changes. Overall, it's crucial for HR professionals to be aware of technological advancements and to proactively manage their workforce in order to mitigate any potential negative effects on the job market.
Yusrina Amalina's avatar'
Yusrina Amalina1 tahun yang lepas
The article discusses the concept of scale effect in a new light, where the growth in scale can create a whole new system within the existing one, leading to the enhancement of the mother system's fighting capacity. The example of Tesla has been taken, where the widespread adoption of FSD (Full Self-Driving Computer) is not solely dependent on algorithm and model optimization, but also on scale. As the number of Tesla vehicles on the roads increases, it feeds real-time data into the FSD model, enhancing its intelligence and sensitivity. This, in turn, leads to more accurate and precise road recognition capabilities. The scale effect is vital for Tesla and hence the reason behind Musk's constant reduction in prices, even to the extent of selling cars at zero profits if FSD is realized. The article highlights that Tesla will not make money by just selling cars, but rather by AI technology (FSD, Dojo, robots) and services such as Robotaxi. The end of the article focuses on the recent Tesla earnings call and Musk's comments on the future plans, including FSD and Robotaxi, Dojo, Cybertruck, 4680 battery, and energy storage business. As an HR expert, understanding these technological innovations and their potential implications on the industry is crucial for making the right hiring decisions and aligning the workforce with technology and business direction.