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F******6 bulan yang lepasAbout Internship

Reference resume dan soalan untuk 2nd internship lepas habis official internship

Hi! Saya baru habis internship official dari uni dan saya plan untuk buat second internship sebab saya rasa saya nak tambah experience dan skills, tambahan pula lagi 6 bulan sahaja saya nak masuk degree. Soalan saya disini, dekat resume dibahagian reference siapa yang saya perlu letak adakah supervisor company yang saya intern sebelum ini atau pegawai intern dikolej saya dulu? Lagisatu haruskah saya bagitahu hr di company baru yang saya nak intern tu saya nak intern kali ke 2. Terima kasih
Nurul Aida's avatar'
Nurul Aida6 bulan yang lepas
It is recommended to include both your previous internship supervisor and college intern department staff as references on your resume. This way, the new company can get a full picture of your experience and skills. Additionally, it is a good idea to inform the HR department at the new company that this will be your second internship. This shows transparency and may also indicate to them that you are eager to learn and grow in your field.