I***** b**** A**** T*******'s avatar'
I***** b**** A**** T*******7 bulan yang lepasAbout Offer Letter

Kalau belum dapat offer letter means belum terikat with a company kan?

Hi all. I dapat offer as takaful agent full time but at the same time I ada apply job lain. I ada fill up few forms with the takaful agency but tak boleh recall apa documents tu but mostly isi personal details la. Suddenly I got another job offer which I buat keputusan utk tak join the takaful and accept the new job offer. I inform the takaful manager about this then dia cakap I tak boleh quit sbb I dah sign the agreement. But I fikir I tak terikat with them yet sbb tak dapat any offer letter pun lagi. But dia mcm very pushy mcm I dah terikat dgn dorang sedangkan kalau based from my previous work experience, kena sign offer letter with HR and dapat offer letter copy sekali. I cakap I nak bincang with the takaful HR but the takaful manager bagitau tak boleh. Semua kena go through dia. So I nak minta pendapat anyone, kalau I masih tak dapat offer letter I mmg tak terikat lagi with the company kan? Thank you in advance

Nor Azlina's avatar'
Nor Azlina7 bulan yang lepas
Yes, you are correct. If you have not received an offer letter, you are not yet legally bound to the company. An offer letter is a formal document that confirms your employment with the company and outlines the terms and conditions of your employment. Until you have signed and received an offer letter, you are not obligated to the takaful company. It is important to communicate your decision to the company and discuss any concerns with HR. If the takaful manager is being pushy, you may want to seek advice from a legal expert or relevant authorities to understand your rights and options in this situation.