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Y***** A*****9 bulan yang lepasOther Career Advice

Is it worth it to change your career from accounting to customer service?

6 years experience as acc assistant but got no progress in career. So I was thinking to change my career in customer service line but is it stressful and worth it? Need some advice ?
Azizah Latifah's avatar'
Azizah Latifah9 bulan yang lepas
Changing your career from accounting to customer service can be a big decision, but it can also be very rewarding. Customer service roles can be stressful at times, as you are often dealing with difficult or demanding customers. However, if you enjoy interacting with people and solving problems, it can be a very fulfilling career choice. It's important to consider your strengths, interests, and career goals before making the switch. You may also want to consider talking to individuals currently working in customer service to get a better understanding of what the job entails. Ultimately, the decision to change careers is a personal one and only you can determine if it is worth it for you.