A***** M*****'s avatar'
A***** M*****4 tahun yang lepasImprove Work Performance

how to be a great leader in work place while you have trauma on it?

I have trauma become a leader because of my past experience. it hit me a lot till now. And i just want to make everything enjoy without thinking too much. i hope you guys give me an advice, so i can improve my self even not in this current work place
Mohamad Rusydi Bin Abd Rahman's avatar'
Mohamad Rusydi Bin Abd Rahman3 tahun yang lepas
Take as much time as you need to deal with your trauma. Trauma bukan benda main-main. Saya faham. Jika keperluan, dapatkan khidmat kaunseling. Sedikit cadangan saya untuk jadi leader yang baik adalah baca buku Dale Carnegie How to Win Friends and Influence People, dengan Ted Talk Simon Sinek dan baca buku Bih Why dan Leader Eat Last. Akhir sekali can go to www.ensoftcontent.com dan join course tentang leadership. It change my perspective
A***** M*****'s avatar'
A***** M*****3 minggu yang lepas
You need to deal with your self first