A******* * M******* S****'s avatar'
A******* * M******* S****2 bulan yang lepasMauLuah

Company High Turnover and Lack Career Growth

Hi, saya baru bekerja dekat company baru almost 6 bulan, tapi selama kerja sini hampir setiap bulan akan ada staff yg MIA, ada yang dah resign tp tak cukup habis notice dah tak dtg kerja, ramai resign ramai juga staff baru masuk, company ni pon masih guna old style SOP, mostly banyak guna manual, & lack of career growth, is this consider red flag company? Saya ada juga plan utk cari kerja, agak2 bagus ke utk sy jump kerja sekarang?

Jamaluddin Zain's avatar'
Jamaluddin Zain2 bulan yang lepas
Based on the high turnover rate and lack of career growth opportunities in the company, it can be considered a red flag. The fact that staff members are frequently resigning and new employees are constantly being hired may indicate underlying issues within the organization. Additionally, the use of outdated and manual processes can hinder efficiency and employee satisfaction. It is understandable that you may be considering looking for a new job under these circumstances. It is important to prioritize your career growth and well-being, so if you believe that a different opportunity may offer you better prospects, it may be worth exploring.