Hanis Zahira's avatar'
Hanis Zahira8 bulan yang lepasOther Job Search Problems

Mengenai References Resume

Salam, sye adalah fresh graduate dan dah bekerja di company ini selama 7 bulan. saya resign disebabkan masalah kesihatan. Jika saya mencari pekerjaan seterusnya, saya takut mereka hubungi company sebelum ini dan bertanya mengapa saya resign. Masalah kesihatan saya telah pun pulih. Persoalan saya, bolehkah saya letakkan contact reference tempat saya intern dan bukannya company saya berkerja baru- baru ini? Tetapi dalam resume saya masih letak experience bekerja di company yang terbaru itu.

Zainal Arief's avatar'
Zainal Arief8 bulan yang lepas
It is common practice to list a reference from your previous internship if you feel more comfortable doing so. However, it is important to be honest about your work experience and include your most recent employment on your resume. As long as your health issues have been resolved and you can provide a positive reference from your internship, it should not be a problem for potential employers. Just be prepared to explain honestly why you left your most recent job if asked during an interview.