n**** a**'s avatar'
n**** a**7 bulan yang lepasTermination Rules

Termination of contract

dalam offer letter, contract kerja saya 2 tahun. effective date: 1 july 2023 - 1 july 2025. and dalam offer letter ada tulis:

“Termination Of Contract

By expired of the contract period or either party is required to serve 6 months’ notice in writing or 6 months’ salary in lieu of such notice is required before the expired of the contract period.”

So sekarang, saya nak resign lagi awal sebelum cukup 2 tahun contract. and saya dah hantar notis resign pada bulan 2 sebelum ni untuk saya resign akhir bulan 8 atas alasan untuk sambung belajar. tapi sekarang pihak majikan minta offer letter daripada universiti sebagai bukti baru dia boleh lepaskan saya. if saya tak bagi offer letter dari universiti dia tak bagi saya berhenti atau kalau saya nak berhenti saya kena bayar penalti 6 bulan gaji sebab dia kata dekat contract bagitahu 6 bulan notis hanya boleh bagi after dah cukup contract kerja 2 tahun.

so, sekarang saya kena bayar penalti pada company?

Zakaria Ahmad's avatar'
Zakaria Ahmad7 bulan yang lepas
Based on the terms stated in the offer letter, you are required to serve 6 months' notice in writing or 6 months' salary in lieu of such notice before the expiration of the 2-year contract period. Since you have submitted your resignation notice in advance for the end of August for the purpose of continuing your studies, it is recommended that you provide the offer letter from the university as requested by the employer. This will serve as proof of your new academic commitment and may help in facilitating your early release from the contract. If you fail to provide the required documentation, the employer may require you to pay the penalty of 6 months' salary as stipulated in the contract. It is important to communicate openly with your employer and provide the necessary evidence to support your resignation reasons.