Z******* B**** M*** Z*****'s avatar'
Z******* B**** M*** Z*****10 bulan yang lepasImprove Work Performance

Demanding salary 2.5k with CILT certificate and 1 yrs pengalaman

hai saya dah kerja almost 1yrs and masa mula kerja janji kasi gaji 2.5k but saya cuma dapat 1.8k sahaja even dah ot almost 24hrs for a month. saya kerja as logistics assistance and saya member Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport (CILT) which is sijil international logistics. Ada dapat job lain tapi gaji lebih kurang but bila apply sg ramai je berebut cuma yelah kita ni perempuan nak ke sana sensorang without guidance ni takut la. So ada tak anyone know apa yang saya kurang dngn demand gaji 2.5k for me dah lowest and also have pengalaman in logistic almost 1yrs?
Azlan Jamal's avatar'
Azlan Jamal10 bulan yang lepas
Based on your experience and certification, it is reasonable to expect a higher salary for your role as a logistics assistant. However, it is important to consider various factors when negotiating for a higher salary. Here are a few points to consider: 1. Market value: Research the average salary range for logistics assistants with similar qualifications and experience in your area. This will help you understand if your salary demand of 2.5k is within a reasonable range. 2. Additional skills and certifications: Highlight any additional skills or certifications that add value to your profile. This could include proficiency in specific software or expertise in certain aspects of logistics. 3. Job responsibilities: Make sure to emphasize the scope of your job responsibilities and any achievements or contributions you have made during your one year of experience. This will demonstrate that you have the skills and capabilities to handle higher-level tasks. 4. Market conditions: Consider the current job market conditions and demand for logistics professionals. If the job market is competitive and there is a shortage of skilled individuals in the field, it may be easier to negotiate for a higher salary. 5. Negotiation approach: When discussing salary, be confident and professional. Clearly communicate your expectations and reasons for requesting a higher salary. Focus on the value you can bring to the organization and how your skills align with their requirements. Remember, negotiating salary is a two-way process. Be open to discussions and willing to compromise if necessary. Good luck with your negotiations!