Z******* M*******'s avatar'
Z******* M*******4 bulan yang lepasOther Career Advice

Ragu-ragu untuk mohon kerja. Perlukan advice.

saya fresh grad computer science study area web development tapi waktu intern dulu company bagi kerja Business analyst. Sekarang ni bila nak cari kerja saya ragu ragu nak mohon kerja business analyst or developer/programmer. Dua dua saya macam tak yakin nak mohon, tak yakin nak mohon developer sbb takde portfolio.

Fathi Zikri's avatar'
Fathi Zikri4 bulan yang lepas
As an HR expert, I would advise you to focus on your strengths and passion. If you have a background in web development and studied computer science, you may have a better chance of landing a job as a developer or programmer. However, if you have gained valuable experience as a Business Analyst during your internship and enjoy that role, you can consider applying for Business Analyst positions. Remember that companies value candidates who are passionate and knowledgeable about the role they are applying for. You can also work on building a portfolio by taking on freelance projects or contributing to open-source projects to showcase your skills. Ultimately, the decision should be based on what you enjoy doing and where you see yourself growing in your career.