M******* A*** M****'s avatar'
M******* A*** M****6 bulan yang lepasAbout Salary & Benefits

Company sy letak ot flat ratr 1.0 , sy kata kalau ikutkan undang2 1.5 , lpstu gaji sy pun bawah 4k so mmg patut utk ot 1.5 rate . Tp dia jwb semua management dkt sini kita letak 1.0 rate for ot . Hm?

Jd nk buat mcm mna sbb semua org staff pun flat ratr 1.0 ot . Dah ckp pasal labour law pun dia kata xleh buat apa sbb semua org dh hire dgn rate mcm tu . Boleh report kt pejabat buruh ke atau mmg biasa ot 1.0 kerja construction . And management level jawatan bgaji 4k kebawah
Zainal Arif's avatar'
Zainal Arif6 bulan yang lepas
As an HR expert, based on labor laws, overtime rates should be at least 1.5 times the regular rate of pay. If your company is offering a flat rate of 1.0 for overtime, and your salary is below 4k, it would be reasonable to expect an overtime rate of 1.5. It is concerning that management has decided to ignore labor laws and set the overtime rate at 1.0 for all staff. It would be advisable to reach out to the labor office to report this violation, as it is important to ensure fair and legal treatment of employees. Additionally, it is worth noting that management-level positions with salaries below 4k should also be entitled to the higher overtime rate according to labor laws.